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Get My 1st DOTDOT Book For Free! Learn MoreGet My Book Today

Da giraffen slog knude is a fantastic book for the little ones. The book is an excellent example of how a "small" book, with a simple plot and a few words, without hesitation gets 10 CHECKMARKS from here.

Carlo Copter goes to the Zoo with his best friend Sonny Sprutte. But Sonny has got a new book on knots. He would rather find knots than look at animals. And he is not the only one!

Carlo Copter is an inventive boy living in Palamir – the largest city in Dotdotland. He has a magical power inside his head. This is his dotdot named Copter and it can fly with its helicopter arms. When one dotdot comes out, it can dotdot with another dotdot. Then they transform into something completely new. Carlo and his friends use this to solve their problems.

A read aloud book full of imagination, where you learn to use creativity to join things together af turn it into something new. The book comes with QR-codes that lead to songs that can be heard on Youtube (if you like) and sing them with the kids.